+99455 205 30 74


Who are we?

Saf Gubre LLC

The economic strength of any country is also measured by its self-sufficiency in food supply/security. In other words, if a country's agriculture is sufficiently developed, it means that it is an economically strong country at the same time.

At a time when the world's population is increasing year by year, food supply/security is possible only by increasing productivity in agriculture. Considering that the country's borders are inviolable, since the states cannot increase additional land resources, it is possible to achieve the increase in production only and only by creating additional productivity in one unit of land.

Increasing productivity in the agricultural sector can be achieved with the use of high-quality fertilizers and medicines along with the application of modern technologies.

The reason for the creation of Saf Gubre LLC is to organize the delivery of high-quality fertilizers and medicinal preparations to local farmers in Azerbaijan, as well as to provide appropriate services in the direction of teaching the rules of their correct use.

Saf Gubre LLC is engaged in both the online wholesale market and retail sales in the same region to be close to local entrepreneurs. Thinking about customer satisfaction, our company supports farmers to provide decent service to their products with the least amount of money, keeping the pre-sale and post-sale information support service always open.

Our goal

GLOBALG.A.P. certificate

«Saf Gubre LLC» has been GlobalG.A.P since 2023 received the status of "registered trainer" of the organization.

GlobalG.A.P. organization is an international quality mark accepted in the import and export of agricultural products.

GlobalG.A.P. The products of the companies that have received the certificate are more competitive due to their international turnover, especially the access to the markets of European and North American countries is easier.

For this purpose, our company offers consulting and technical support services for the opening of local products to the markets of European and American countries.

 «Saf Gubre LLC» aims to stand out in Azerbaijan with its line of products and to contribute to the development of the green economy in the country.

Our partners