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How to choose the right fertilizer?

There are many options for fertilizers and sometimes the choices can seem overwhelming. The most important thing to remember is that plants take up nutrients in the form of ions, and the source of these ions is not a factor in plant nutrition.

For example, plants obtain nitrogen through NO3- (nitrate) or NH4+ (ammonium), and these ions can come from both organic and synthetic sources and in different forms (liquid, granular, granules or compost). The fertilizer you choose should be based primarily on soil test results and plant needs, both in terms of nutrients and rate of delivery. Other factors to consider include the health of the soil and environment, as well as your budget.

Regardless of which fertilizers you choose, consider adding additional organic materials to support overall soil health. Carbon-based materials such as organic fertilizers, grass clippings or cover crops provide a number of benefits to both plants and soil.