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Subsidy declarations continue

The process of receiving declarations of summer and perennial crops continues. According to the information provided by the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency (AKIA) under the Ministry of Agriculture, spring and perennial crops must be declared by May 31. Farmers can declare their crops online through the eagro.az site directly by themselves or by applying to State Agrarian Development Centers (DAIM), as well as regional ASAN service centers, as well as Khachmaz and Yevlax SME houses.

When declaring, the farmer must activate the electronic cabinet in the Electronic Agricultural Information System (EKTIS), choose the right plant to be planted or existing on the ground, correctly mark the contours of the declared hectare and the place of planting, and declare only in the area of ​​his use. In addition, farmers who plant cotton, sugar beet and tobacco must submit their declarations in full and on time to EKTIS during the period of spring and perennial planting declarations in order to receive crop subsidies.

It should be noted that making declarations on time will enable quick and prompt organization of monitoring and payment of subsidies in a short time. Farmers will not be paid planting subsidy as a result of untimely or incorrect declaration. Subsidies are not paid if the plants are not insured and the agrochemical analysis of the plots is not carried out. A false declaration detected during monitoring may result in underpayment of subsidy for the farmer, or non-payment for 1 or 2 years. If a false declaration is determined after the payment is made, a fine may be imposed according to Article 411-2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.